Autochartist News Sentiment Analysis delivers a comprehensive view of market moods by analysing news sentiment across major, trusted financial news sources. It offers actionable insights and enhanced broker services.
Gain a comprehensive and unbiased view of the market mood on your favourite stocks with aggregated analysis from the major reputable news sources. It simplifies market complexity by presenting sentiment trends over various time frames.
Identify potential high-impact market movements quickly with prominently displayed extreme sentiments.
Navigate the markets effortlessly with a user-friendly interface. Tailor your search to specific sectors and instruments and stay ahead of sentiment trends.
Choose your preferred view from Split, List, or Grid options for a personalised visual experience.
Keep your top investment interests at your fingertips with personalised bookmarking, streamlining your market monitoring process.
Seize market opportunities instantly with the ‘Trade Now’ button, which is integrated for each instrument, facilitating direct and swift trading actions
Stay connected and share your market insights easily on platforms like X (Twitter), Facebook, and LinkedIn
Autochartist provides an extensive analytics toolset with features to take your trading to the next level. Empower your day-to-day trading decisions with an unrivalled breadth and depth of analysis driven by advanced algorithms, powerful big-data technology, and user-friendly trading tools.