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Trading Alerts, Stock Alerts, Forex Alerts, Crypto Alerts

Market Report​

Stay ahead of market trends with three daily Market Reports for the Tokyo, London, and New York stock exchanges. 

Correlating Alerts

Harness the power of correlating technical indicators across all asset classes, delivered in real-time for enhanced trading opportunities for VIP traders.

Volatility Warning

Stay informed of impending volatility spikes from major economic events across Commodities, Futures, Major Indices, and Currencies. Receive timely alerts 2 hours prior, equipped with historical price range insights.

Round Numbers

Newsworthy breakthroughs of significant levels don’t happen every day. These crucial price points hold value in market psychology and are frequently monitored in trading and investment strategies.

News Sentiment

Real-time alerts highlighting sentiment changes of currencies and US stocks across major financial news sources. Uncovering potential market movements though clear presentation of sentiment movements.

Economic Calendar Email

Stay a step ahead with the Economic Calendar Email. Easily integrate pivotal events into your calendar and receive timely reminders relevant to your trading strategy.

Pre-Event Trading Opportunity

Optimise pre-event strategy with Autochartist’s Pre-Event Trading Opportunities email. Delivered 2 hours before major economic events, explore up to three trading scenarios based on historical data that analyses possible market reactions – whether positive, neutral, or unchanged.

On-Event Trading Opportunity

As fresh economic event data is released, Autochartist distils potential market movements by analysing past reactions to key global events. These trading opportunities are perfectly timed for action.

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precision, insight, and confidence.

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